Saint Ann Chapel Anglican Church is open for Mass on Sundays, and Evening Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday evenings.

The COVID mask mandate has been lifted, but some precautions are still worth considering.  Masks are no longer required for those who are fully vaccinated.  However, if you feel safer by wearing a mask, please feel free to do so.  We have masks and hand sanitizer at the back of the church for those desiring or needing masks.

Please note that Santa Clara County orders may change as new information becomes available, so please check this page periodically.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion will be distributed in both kinds, but only by intinction.  When receiving Communion, please extend your hands with palms crossed (or one palm facing upwards), and the Priest will place a host in your hand.  The server, or if there is only the Priest, will come back around, dip the host in the wine and place it on your tongue.

The Offering Plate will come around held by one of our congregation during the service.  Please place your pledges or other offerings in the Offering Plate at that time.

After Mass, we meet in the Parish Hall around the back of the building for delicious snacks, drinks, and good fellowship.

Epiphany Season Schedule

  • Sunday, January 19 at 11:00 AM: Second Sunday of Epiphany (Low Mass)
  • Sunday, January 26 at 11:00 AM: Third Sunday of Epiphany (Low Mass)
  • Sunday, February 2 at 11:00 AM: Fourth Sunday of Epiphany (Sung Mass)
  • Sunday, February 9 at 11:00 AM: Fifth Sunday of Epiphany (Sung Mass)
  • Sunday, February 16 at 11:00 AM: Sixth Sunday of Epiphany (Sung Mass)
  • Sunday, February 23 at 11:00 AM: Sexagesima Sunday (Sung Mass)

Mass is celebrated in person on Sundays at the usual 11:00 AM time (except where noted) and will also continue to be available online via both the Zoom platform and Facebook.  Evening Prayer will be offered on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM, followed by Bible Study both at the church and on Zoom.  If you are interested in attending either of these activities, please send an email to and ask to be added to the mailing list.

Father Weber and Father Karcher continue to be available for visitation of the sick as needed.  Please email if you need to schedule a visit, or clarify any matters discussed here.

  • Father Weber may also be reached via text or voice at (510) 251-1865.
  • Father Karcher may also be reached via text or voice at (650) 773-1117.

May God bless and keep you all in health and safety this season.

If you are seeking a timeless and vibrant expression of faith, with beautiful liturgy and music and biblical preaching in a traditional Christian worship service, St. Ann Chapel Anglican Church might be the place for you.

Our parish is part of the Anglican Province of Christ the King, a traditional Anglican jurisdiction established in 1977. Our beliefs are scriptural and are encapsulated in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds. Because St. Ann is a sacramental church, it expresses our worship through a liturgy in the celebration of the Eucharist. The text of our services comes from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Our small professional choir lends weight to our songs and chants and fills our chapel with the glorious sound of praise.

We hope that you enjoy exploring our website and will visit us on a Sunday morning so that we can welcome you in person.