St. Ann Chapel offers several opportunities for service:
Altar Guild: The Altar Guild is responsible for caring for all the items in the rituals of the various liturgies. Duties include preparing the altar and caring for all the vestments and sacred vessels, as well as ensuring that the communion elements are prepared for the Eucharist. The Altar Guild is also responsible for maintaining all the worship linens, polishing brass and silver, filling candles, and doing various other tasks. Although this ministry is quietly behind the scenes, it is a busy service that requires commitment, training, and dedication.
Acolytes: As part of a time-honored tradition, men in the parish serve in this important ministry at St. Ann Chapel. The acolytes assist our priest at the altar during the service and also serve as lay readers. Acolytes also serve as crucifers, torch bearers, and thurifers during the mass. Like service on the Altar Guild, service as an acolyte requires specific training and practice as well as commitment.
Ushers: Our ushers volunteer each Sunday to ensure that visitors and parishioners are welcome. Visitors who are unfamiliar with the Anglican liturgy receive service booklets and programs so that they may fully participate in our worship service. Ushers also pass the alms basin during the service and make themselves available should anyone need assistance.
Hospitality Hosts: Each Sunday our parishioners take turns providing desserts and light snacks for the fellowship hour after our 11:00 AM service. Hosting coffee hour is a great way to meet people at St. Ann.
Sunday School: When children come to our services as either parishioners or visitors, we offer Sunday School during our 11:00 AM service. This optional offering provides an opportunity for children to hear Bible stories and begin to learn the basics of the Christian faith. Children who choose to go to the Sunday School come back into the church during the Eucharist so that they can join their parents at the altar for communion or a blessing.